She has continued her academic career since 2001 as a faculty member at the Department of Commercial Law at Marmara University Faculty of Law. Dr. Eda Giray engages in both academic and practical work in the fields of Corporate Law, Industrial Property Law, Copyright Law, Unfair Competition and Advertising Law, and Capital Markets Law.
As an experienced arbitrator and mediator, Dr. Giray has been active in alternative dispute resolution methods since 2013.
In addition to her academic work, she continues to contribute to the development of legal practice and literature through various professional associations, publications, and non-governmental organizations. Dr. Giray served as a member of the Executive Board of the Istanbul Bar Association Intellectual Property and Industrial Rights Committee between 2008 and 2013 and has been reappointed for same role for the period of 2018-2024.
Since 2016, she has been serving as the General Editor of the Legal Intellectual Property and Industrial Rights Journal and, starting from 2024, as the legal editor of the SPL Financial Doctrine Journal.
- “Intellectual Property Law Practical Studies,” Chapter: (TRADEMARK AND DESIGN LAW) (2023). ISBN:978-975-02-8216 (Publication No: 8906488)
- “Istanbul Bar Association Intellectual Property and Industrial Rights Committee 2018-2020 Activity Year Special Edition,” Istanbul Bar Association Publications, July 2020 (Co-Editorship)
- “Annotated and Case-Law Supported Industrial Property Law No. 6769 and Relevant National-International Legislation,” Seçkin Publishing House, 2019 (Co-Publication)
- “Commercial Law Practices,” Seçkin Publishing House, 2018 (Co-Publication)
- “Annotated and Case-Law Supported Industrial Property Law No. 6769 and Relevant Legislation,” Seçkin Publishing House, 2017 (Co-Publication)
- “Trademark Law Legislation,” Onikilevha Publications, 2016 (Co-Publication)
- “Corporate Law,” Mimoza, 2013 (Co-Publication) “General Provisions of Corporate Law” and “Corporate Groups” chapters
- “Istanbul Intellectual Property Law Symposium Proceedings Journal,” 2005 (Editorship)
- “Sustainability from a Corporate Governance Perspective,” Public Offering Processes, Legal and Financial Implications Symposium, Co-Author Ceren Gülal Karakuş, SPL Financial Doctrine Journal Issue, 21.05.2024
- “Findings on Internet Domain Name Dispute Resolution Mechanisms,” CURRENT ISSUES IN COMMERCIAL LAW (III. COMMERCIAL LAW CONGRESS), 2023
- “Methods for Identifying Significant Similarities Among Program Formats and the Doctrine of Idea/Expression Dichotomy,” Marmara University Faculty of Law Journal of Legal Research, 28(2), 1111-1137, 2022
- “Twitter Advertising Ban Can Companies Advertise on Their Own Social Media Accounts?” Workshop Journal, Issue 84, 2023 (Co-Publication)
- “European Union Single Market Directive and Filtering Obligations,” CURRENT ISSUES IN COMMERCIAL LAW 2022 (II. COMMERCIAL LAW CONGRESS), 609-625, (Publication No: 7634729)
- “Mediation in Intellectual and Industrial Property Law,” Mandatory Mediation in Commercial Disputes, Seçkin Publishing House, 2019
- “Recent Developments and Issues in the Cancellation Due to Non-Use Mechanism,” Intellectual Property Law Annual, Yetkin Publishing House, 2019
- “Recent Developments and Issues in the Cancellation Due to Non-Use Mechanism,” AIPPI Turkey Intellectual Property Rights Protection Association Publication, 2019
- “The Nature of Comic Books as Works and Ownership of Works on Comic Books,” In Honor of Prof. Dr. Merih Kemal Omağ, Istanbul Kültür University Faculty of Law Publications, 2017, (Co-Authored Article)
- “Conditions of the Principle of True Ownership in Trademark Law,” Legal Intellectual Property and Industrial Rights Journal – Issue 45, 2016 (Co-Authored Article)
- “Parallel Import and Exhaustion of Trademark Rights,” Turkey-China Summit, 2012
- “Responsibility Arising from Establishment in Joint Stock Companies,” Marmara University Faculty of Law Journal of Legal Research Special Issue, 2012
- “Statute of Limitations in Lawsuits Against Management Board Members in Joint Stock Companies,” Istanbul Commerce University Social Sciences Journal Legal Special Issue, Fall 2008 (Co-Authored Article)
- “Termination of Limited Company on Justified Grounds and the Approach of the Court of Cassation,” Istanbul Commerce University Social Sciences Journal Legal Special Issue, Fall 2007
- “Transfer of Trademarks through Inheritance,” Istanbul Commerce University Social Sciences Journal Legal Special Issue
- “The Effects of Repackaging and Changes on Packaging on Trademark Law,” V. International Intellectual Property Law Symposium (Publication No: 8863438), 2023
- “Resolution of Intellectual Property Disputes through Mediation within the Framework of ITOTAM,” Istanbul Chamber of Commerce Arbitration and Mediation Center, 2019
- “Mediation and ITOTAM in Commercial Disputes,” Istanbul Chamber of Commerce Arbitration and Mediation Center, 2019
- “The Mediation in Trademark Law,” XV. European Conference on Social and Behavioral Sciences, International Association of Social Science Research, 2018
- “Recent Developments and Issues in the Cancellation Due to Non-Use Mechanism,” AIPPI Turkey, 2018
- “Copyrights and Mediation,” Intellectual Property and Mediation, Mimar Sinan University, 2017
- “Mediation in Trademark Disputes before the Turkish Patent Institute,” New Provisions Introduced by the Industrial Property Law, AIPPI Turkey, Özyeğin University, 2017
- “Industrial Rights and Mediation” Changes in Trademark Law within the Framework of Law No. 6769/ Mediation in Industrial Rights, MarmaaOrtak Dispute Resolution Center, 2017
- “Legal Status of Registered Trade Names in Turkey Compared to Registered Trade Names and Trademarks in Countries Party to the Paris Convention,” I. International Intellectual Property Law Symposium, Yıldırım Beyazıt University Faculty of Law, 2014
- “Parallel Import and Exhaustion of Rights Principle in Intellectual Property Law,” V. European Conference on Social and Behavioral Sciences, International Association of Social Science Research, 2014
- “Mediation in Unfair Competition and Intellectual Property Disputes,” Istanbul University, 2014
- “Drug Patents In Perspective: International Law, EU, and Turkey,” 2. Pharm. Tech. IAPST International Conference on New Insights into Diseases and Recent Therapeutic Approaches, 2012
- “Recent Developments in Negotiable Instrument Law,” III. International Congress on Current Issues in Legal Sciences, Samsun University, 2012
- “Responsibility Arising from Establishment,” Symposium on the New Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102, Marmara University Faculty of Law, 2012
- “Commercial Representative,” Wednesday Conferences, Marmara University Faculty of Law, 2012
- “Corporate Groups,” New Turkish Commercial Code Promotion and Evaluation Symposium, Afyonkarahisar Bar Association, 2011
- “Customs Union and Intellectual Property Rights,” Turkey-EU and Customs Union Relations Symposium, Istanbul Bar Association EU Commission, 2011
- “Disposition Transactions on Industrial Rights,” Istanbul Bar Association Intellectual Property and Industrial Rights Committee VIII. Intellectual and Industrial Property Law Program, 2011
- “General Evaluation of Court of Cassation Decisions on Transfer of Trademarks,” Court of Cassation Decisions and Intellectual Property Law Symposium, Kadir Has University, 2010
- “Geographical Indications,” Istanbul Bar Association Intellectual Property and Industrial Rights Committee, VII. Intellectual and Industrial Property Law Certificate Program, 2010
- “Disposition Transactions on Industrial Rights,” Istanbul Bar Association Intellectual Property and Industrial Rights Committee, VII. Intellectual and Industrial Property Law Certificate Program, 2010
- “Disposition Transactions on Industrial Rights,” Istanbul Bar Association Intellectual Property and Industrial Rights Committee, VI. Intellectual and Industrial Property Law Certificate Program, 2009“Disposition Transactions on Industrial Rights,” Istanbul Bar Association Intellectual Property and Industrial Rights Committee, IV. Intellectual and Industrial Property Law Certificate Program, 2009
- “Mediation Training Module Update Workshop,” Ministry of Justice General Directorate of Legal Affairs Mediation Department, 2020
- “Introduction of New Curriculum and Training Materials for Mediation Model Trainer Training Workshop,” Ministry of Justice Mediation Department, 2017
- “Training of Trainers in Mediation and Victim-Offender Mediation in the Criminal Justice System,” Ministry of Justice and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 2012
- “European Union Common Law Implementation and the UK Example (Common Law Implementations in EU and UK Practices)” Leonardo da Vinci EU Project, 2011
- “Restructuring Undergraduate Programs in Turkish Law Faculties in Light of National Developments and the Bologna Process” project, Istanbul Commerce University Commission Membership, 2007